Welcome to the home of the 1000 Challenge: Supporting 1000 nurses, community and other allied health workers in leading pragmatic health research studies to improve outcomes in their patients whilst developing skills and leadership experience.
Bienvenue dans le pays du Défi 1000 : Soutenir 1 000 infirmières, agents communautaires et autres agents de santé paramédicaux dans mener des études de recherche pragmatiques en santé pour obtenir des résultats chez leurs patients tout en développant les compétences et le leadership expérience.
Bienvenido al hogar del Desafío 1000: Apoyar a 1000 enfermeras, trabajadores comunitarios y otros trabajadores sanitarios aliados en Liderar estudios pragmáticos de investigación en salud para obtener resultados en sus pacientes mientras se desarrollan habilidades y liderazgo. experiencia.
Bem-vindo ao lar do Desafio 1000: Apoiar 1000 enfermeiros, comunidade e outros profissionais de saúde aliados em conduzindo estudos pragmáticos de pesquisa em saúde para resultados em seus pacientes, ao mesmo tempo em que desenvolvem habilidades e liderança experiência.
Watch the webinar: WHO Launches New Clinical Trial Guidance – What do I need to know?Arabic, French, Portuguese and Spanish recording coming soon. |
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Thank you for visiting The Global Health Network, please take a moment to read this important message. As you know, our aim is to enable equity in access to research knowledge and this is successfully delivering support and training to 1000’s of research teams all over the world. But we need your support!. If you have benefited from this research skills and knowledge sharing facility, please help us sustain this remarkable and unique provision of information for those who could otherwise not access such support and training. We would be really grateful if you could make a donation or ask your employer or organisation to contribute to the costs of maintaining this platform and the generation of new contents for all users. Just a small contribution from everyone who can afford to pay would keep this available for those who cannot. Thank you, we really appreciate your part in this community effort to better equity in global health research.